Ossola, land of wines

Apr 19, 2021 | Ossola Vine Club English

In Italy, it is a tradition to use the cities’ names to spell: A for Ancona, B for Bologna, C for Como, etc. The most famous letter is the “D of Domodossola”. Let’s find out together where is the location of this place.


Domodossola is a town located in Piedmont and, more precisely, in the Ossola Valley

Domodossola is an ancient urban centre of upper Piedmont, already the fulcrum of the socio-economic reality in pre-Roman times. It dominates Ossola, an impressive and strategic valley located perpendicularly to the borderline between the province of VCO (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola) and the nearby Swiss confederation.

Italy is one of the best-known nations in the world in terms of wine production. Although less renowned than the neighbouring Langhe, the Ossola area is instead a zone with a high production density since viticulture has been present for more than 700 years. Wine tourism is becoming increasingly popular in Italy, but in Ossola, it is in work in progress because it has yet to be appreciated as it deserves. A lot of people in the area have worked very hard to achieve this.

Wine tourism consists of visiting a winery to learn about the history of the company and its values, and then have a tasting of wines and other local products, also combined with special events and/or activities and classic tourism in the area.

During the last few years, there has been considerable development of the region’s wineries, which organize visits through attractive promotions. Often, it is possible to enjoy real tours from one company to another. An example can be the first edition of “Ossola in cantina” in 2019: hundreds of tourists came to taste eight Ossola cellars’ wines.


Spending a day among the vineyards of Ossola’s wineries can be an alternative and pleasant experience to let yourself be carried away by the gastronomic, cultural, and naturalistic excellence of this splendid valley.

Are you interested in discovering Ossola wines and learning about their history? Do not hesitate to contact us at tasting@edoardopatrone.com.




Laurea specialistica Università Bordeaux Montaigne – Pessac, Francia

Lingue, affari e interculturalità: economia del vino, enoturismo e interculturalità

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