Produciamo Felicità
Liquida a Domodossola
Alto Piemonte
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You will find our wines and many other typical products of Valdossola and the local tradition.

Who we are
Azienda Agricola Edoardo Patrone is a young company founded by Edoardo Patrone, born in Domodossola, Upper Piedmont.
Edoardo, grande appassionato di tutto ciò che è vino da sempre, dopo aver conseguito la laurea in “Viticoltura ed Enologia” presso l’Università di Torino, ha lavorato per un po’ a Barolo, in Spagna e poi in Australia.
In questi anni di lavoro lontano da casa, ha sempre avuto il forte desiderio di tornare a casa tra le sue montagne della Val d’Ossola per recuperare vigneti abbandonati da tempo e continuare la tradizione vitivinicola centenaria della zona.
Nel 2016 Edoardo lascia il suo lavoro in Australia, torna a Domodossola e apre la cantina. Oltre alle difficoltà che un imprenditore di solito affronta, Edoardo ha trovato altre sfide come i cambiamenti climatici che rendono la viticoltura più imprevedibile, insieme alla diminuzione dei vigneti nella zona.
Nel 2017, Edoardo ha incontrato, Stella Tâm Vũ – una studentessa vietnamita che si stava laureando in Svizzera. Dopo essersi sposati nello stesso anno, insieme a un team di giovani viticoltori, hanno iniziato il primo capitolo. producendo la prima annata con il concetto “Be Natural”. NO all’abuso dei prodotti chimici, NO ai pesticidi e NO agli erbicidi.

Vineyards and wines
By following this thinking, which includes the use of natural fertilizers, no chemical abuse, no pesticides and no herbicides, we hope to contribute a little to the fight against climate change.
Since 2016, great strides have been made. started from 0.3 hectares and thanks to the considerable support of many people, by the end of 2021, we have recovered over 28 micro vineyards, totaling about 5 hectares of vineyards in the Ossola Valley. Most of the vineyards are between 30 and 100 years old some of which are still free standing and are located at an altitude between 450 and 650 mslm. It is a pleasure to continue the tradition of growing vines and making wine at home in the northernmost area of the Upper Piedmont.

The production
Our first vintage was 2017, the wines we produce are four red and two rosé wines, mainly from Merlot and Prünent grapes - the local name for the Nebbiolo biotype in Val d'Ossola. With the idea of following tradition but still finding our own way, from 2019 we also started the production of an extra dry rosé sparkling wine Martinotti method called Basin - the first sparkling wine from Val d'Ossola. And despite the difficulties due to the pandemic in 2020 we planted our first new vineyard in Vagna and in 2021 we started to develop a cosmetics line "la sbarbatella" beauty products from grape skins.

Experiences and events
If you would like to get to know us better, please feel free to visit us.
Coming to Edoardo Patrone Winery, you can taste wines, visit our winery and its vineyards.
In addition, there will be some events throughout the year to bring together all wine lovers and also celebrate some special occasions.
For more information about the visit and events, contact us at or sign up for our newsletter.
About Us
Azienda Agricola Edoardo Patrone is a young company founded by Edoardo Patrone, born in Domodossola, Upper Piedmont.
Edoardo, a lifelong lover of all things wine, after earning a degree in "Viticulture and Enology" from the University of Turin, worked for a while in Barolo, Spain and then Australia. During these years of working away from home, he has always had a strong desire to return home to his mountains in the Ossola Valley to recover long abandoned vineyards and continue the area's century-old winemaking tradition.
In 2016, Edoardo left his job in Australia, returned to Domodossola and opened the winery. In addition to the difficulties that an entrepreneur usually faces, Edoardo found other challenges such as climate change making viticulture more unpredictable, along with the decrease of vineyards in the area. In 2017, Edward met, Stella Tâm Vũ - a Vietnamese student who was pursuing a degree in Switzerland. After getting married in the same year, together with a team of young winemakers, they started the first chapter. producing the first vintage with the "Be Natural" concept. NO to chemical abuse, NO to pesticides and NO to herbicides.
By following this thinking, which includes the use of natural fertilizers, no chemical abuse, no pesticides and no herbicides, we hope to contribute a little to the fight against climate change.
Since 2016, great strides have been made. started from 0.3 hectares and thanks to the considerable support of many people, by the end of 2021, we have recovered over 28 micro vineyards, totaling about 5 hectares of vineyards in the Ossola Valley. Most of the vineyards are between 30 and 100 years old some of which are still free standing and are located at an altitude between 450 and 650 mslm. It is a pleasure to continue the tradition of growing vines and making wine at home in the northernmost area of the Upper Piedmont.
Vineyards and wines
Our first vintage was 2017, the wines we produce are four red and two rosé wines, mainly from Merlot and Prünent grapes - the local name for the Nebbiolo biotype in Val d'Ossola. With the idea of following tradition but still finding our own way, from 2019 we also started the production of an extra dry rosé sparkling wine Martinotti method called Basin - the first sparkling wine from Val d'Ossola. And despite the difficulties due to the pandemic in 2020 we planted our first new vineyard in Vagna and in 2021 we started to develop a cosmetics line "la sbarbatella" beauty products from grape skins.
If you would like to get to know us better, please feel free to visit us.
Coming to Edoardo Patrone Winery, you can taste wines, visit our winery and its vineyards.
In addition, there will be some events throughout the year to bring together all wine lovers and also celebrate some special occasions.
For more information about the visit and events, contact us at or sign up for our newsletter.
Experiences and events
Edoardo Patrone Farmhouse
Our farm is ready to welcome you.
Wines in production
Valli Ossolane Doc rosso
Contact us at
Cellar and vineyard:
Borgata Baceno, 51
Domodossola (VB) ITALY
Phone: +39 0324 199 0047
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