by EPS | Mag 23, 2023 | places
It is a true monument of art, the Parish Church of SS. Peter and Paul in Crevoladossola, which stands isolated on a rocky outcrop. Its architectural history unravels over a long span of centuries: of Romanesque imprint, clearly still visible in the tower...
by EPS | Mag 23, 2023 | places
Luogo eletto per gli spiriti romantici, il borgo si sviluppa attraverso un caratteristico groviglio di stretti vicoli acciottolati, spesso fiancheggiati da vecchi muri in pietra sui quali compaiono portali ad architrave triangolare: le piazzette, molto simili ai...
by EPS | Mag 23, 2023 | places
There are definite records of the exploitation of gold mines in Val Toppa, in the territory of Pieve Vergonte, from the early 1800s, when local miners dug 17 kilometers of tunnels in several places in this portion of the Lower Ossola. Learn more...
by EPS | Mag 23, 2023 | places
Notevole arditezza ingegneristica e posizione a dir poco sorprendente: sono queste le caratteristiche principali del Ponte del Diavolo, che si incontra lungo la strada carrozzabile di collegamento tra Trasquera e la sua frazione Bugliaga, in Valle Divedro, da cui...
by EPS | Mag 23, 2023 | places
The Church of St. Thomas is the only valuable sacred building remaining in Anzola d'Ossola and belongs to the medieval period. The Roman matrix of the religious building of worship can still be identified today, although subsequent and numerous restorations have...