Vagna Vineyard

Ossola Valleys DOC red

Red vinification: with maceration for 20 days, the temperatures vary from 26/30° C to facilitate the extraction of the colouring substance contained in the skins of the berries. Separation of the grape seeds on the fifth day to maintain the wine's soft tannins. Malolactic fermentation: in a natural way, at the end of alcoholic fermentation. Refinement in 15 HL Slavonian oak casks for 6 months, with a pause on the yeasts removed with the batonnage technique.



It accompanies traditional dishes such as risottos, boiled meats and alpine cheeses.
Recommended serving temperature 18°C

NameValli Ossolane DOC Rosso - Vigna Vagna vineyard
ColorIntense garnet red
PerfumePersistent and fruity, with hints of cinnamon and ripe fruit
TasteVino abbastanza tannico e fresco, di buona struttura ed equilibrio,
presenta tannini morbidi che rendono il vino più armonioso. Al
retrogusto si ripresentano i sentori vinonsi profumo,persistente

Altitudefrom 400 meters above sea level
Grape harvest timeine September / early October
Orientation and exposureEast
Vine growing systemGuyot
Type of soilfrank sandy
Vineyards locationVagna vineyard in Domodossola
Grapevines used50% Merlot 50% Prünent